Experiencing issues with your welding machine or wishing to book a helmet refurbishment?
Fill in our form below to arrange a quality service by an Alphaweld technician.
Before completing this form, please note we can only accept service requests from companies/businesses
holding an established 30-day trading account. View our Service with Alphaweld guide for further information.
Our strip and assess inspection fees are as follows:
Mag Drills, PAPR Helmets & Push/Pull MIG Torches | $75 + GST
Machines | $270 + GST
Diesel Welders | $500 + GST
Machine brands we accept: Weldmax, Lincoln Electric, Hypertherm, Unimig, Kemppi, ProArc, Speedglas, Sumig, Binzel, Miller, Taylor, Cougartron and Alfra.
Please call us on (08) 9456 8000 or email service@alphaweld.com.au if you require any assistance.